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Re: Motorized microscale train
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:06:21 GMT
5965 times
In lugnet.trains, Samarth “Legoswami” Moray wrote:
   A potential solution to running out of chain links would be to eliminate them entirely, and use simple thread (lego/non-lego-- up to you) ...

A second alternative to specialized chain links -- and one I haven’t tried yet -- would be Technic link-arms and pins, threaded around large-diameter tires. The magnet-holders can then be pinned vertically, and the curves in the “track” aren’t so abrubt.

There might be a problem keeping this chain taut, although there are enough wheel-diameters available for experimentation. Also, the tire-chain combo wouldn’t move as smoothly as chain links-gears, so some extra gearing-down might be necessary.

This is still necessarily 2D -- I’m not sure if it can be extended to 3D (a track with hills). There might be linkages that would permit both horiz and vertical (alternative) movement in the chain, but the extra floppiness might cause it to fall off the wheels.

Now, how to adapt this to a moving sidewalk for minifigs... And I wonder if the scheme would work vertically? --E.g. a loop of elevator cars moving up the side of a skyscraper, or one of those sci-fi moving ladders (e.g. “Star Blazers”).

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  Re: Motorized microscale train
In lugnet.announce.moc, Peer Kreuger wrote: Wow, that's all very well done! The space baseplate, the magnets, the detailing on the train itself, et al! And easy expansion for a large layout. And hey... if you use one of the contoured baseplates, you (...) (19 years ago, 20-Sep-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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