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Re: Motorized microscale train
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:07:04 GMT
5205 times
In lugnet.trains, Aaron Amatnieks wrote:
   Simple elegant design. but you forgot to crosspost to the most important group, Microscale. :)

Ah yes, crossposting. I think the concept finally stopped eluding me ;)

   The inverted baseplate is such a simple idea, one question though, do the magnets have to be pressed up to the underside of the baseplate, or can the be a little gap?

There is a little gap between the baseplate and the magnet below, but the pull between both magnets is so strong that they’ll stretch the chain a little and come together anyway.

   otherwise, for a days work, wow?

Please do understand that this was indeed a full day; starting at 9 in the morning and quitting at 6 in the evening. (Including several breaks, of course). Also, I had been thinking about this project a lot, only to find the time to do it at the last possible moment. Like a lot of folks, I work best when there’s some kind of deadline looming. :)

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  Re: Motorized microscale train
(...) Simple elegant design. but you forgot to crosspost to the most important group, Microscale. :) The inverted baseplate is such a simple idea, one question though, do the magnets have to be pressed up to the underside of the baseplate, or can (...) (19 years ago, 22-Sep-05, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)

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