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Re: Train tables
Sun, 6 Jun 1999 00:39:40 GMT
3647 times
"Thomas P. Rafert" wrote:

Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way.

Naa. Neither approach is **better**. They are just different.

PNLTC approach is much much cheaper. GMLTC is much much more purist.
GMLTC is lucky to have a fanatic such as Conan who has millions of
bricks to build modules with. He is the entire reason the club exists.

Cheaper? Huh?

Sure. To do a PNLTC module base takes some wood, some paint, some
hardware. 100 bucks at most, and that's no doubt high. Then there is the
track itself, as well as the structures that go on the module.

To do a GMLTC module, almost the same investment in underlayment is
required for hardware and wood. Then there are GAWD knows how many
bricks. PLUS the structures and track, just the same as a PNLTC. The
cost of a GMLTC module before you put track or buildings on it is almost
certainly over 500 dollars worth of bricks, even considering that most
of the bricks are from heavily discounted basic buckets.

So GMLTC modules cost more. Not better, not worse, just different.


Yes. The "scenery" in a GMLTC module is made from Lego. Even things like
canyons. The PNLTC canyons are done with cloth, just the bridge is Lego.
Therefore GMLTC is more "pure".

Not better, not worse, just different.

At PNLTC we have some members with very small collections that do
want they can with what they've got, and some with collections that make the others
short circuit. :-)

Same with GMLTC. People do what they can. Part of the contribution is to
build something unique using Conan's parts. While I've been there (which
unfortunately is coming to an end... I have resigned from CTP and won't
be in minneapolis much longer) I was priviledged to build, using Conan's
parts, 2 sanding towers, a coal tower, a water tank, a gas-electric
doodlebug and some other misc stuff, as well as helping work on several
modules, and on the roof of the engine house. I am building a transfer
table which I hope to finish before I leave.

John G has built a LOT of rolling stock. He's their best rolling stock
builder, or was till I got there and showed them all a few tricks. :-)

If Conan has millions of bricks to build modules with, is there much cost to other
members?  Sounds like a really great person to share Lego like that.

Yes, he is truly a unique human being. One of the kindest, gentlest,
most laid back dudes I have ever been privileged to know. Other people
do contribute significantly, though not to the same scale. I think John
Gerlach has well north of 2000 invested in just filling in gaps that
needed to be filled when Conan was short of something, and several
members, as John N said, have *A* module under construction for use in
shows. But Conan has 16!

Larry Pieniazek
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Train tables
(...) But you still have to have an even number of modules, right? So "A" module under construction will only replace one of Conan's modules until another module can be paired with it? (25 years ago, 7-Jun-99, to lugnet.trains,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Train tables
Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way. See comments below (...) Well, it's almost from scratch. We work on a table arrangement and a track plan for each show so we have a "schematic" to work from to ease on setup. Some of us have pre-built modules, (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-99, to lugnet.trains,,

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