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 Trains / 1430
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Re: Train tables
Sat, 5 Jun 1999 20:53:30 GMT
3467 times
It seems to me that there are two fundamental differences
between the PNLTC and the GMLTC.  Even though I live
within I hour of the GMLTC, it would be almost impossible
for me to build my own module and just show up at some
of the GMLTC train shows where I could build a "module"
for the PNLTC and show up for only some shows.  The main
reason the GMLTC does it the way they do is Conan just
so happens to have one heck of a lot of bricks.
Paul Foster

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Train tables
Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way. See comments below (...) Well, it's almost from scratch. We work on a table arrangement and a track plan for each show so we have a "schematic" to work from to ease on setup. Some of us have pre-built modules, (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-99, to lugnet.trains,,

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