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Re: Train tables
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 02:12:49 GMT
3826 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Yes, he is truly a unique human being. One of the kindest, gentlest,
most laid back dudes I have ever been privileged to know. Other people
do contribute significantly, though not to the same scale. I think John
Gerlach has well north of 2000 invested in just filling in gaps that
needed to be filled when Conan was short of something, and several
members, as John N said, have *A* module under construction for use in
shows. But Conan has 16!

But you still have to have an even number of modules, right?  So "A"
under construction will only replace one of Conan's modules until
module can be paired with it?
Paul Foster

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Train tables
Paul Foster wrote: > (...) Yes, unless one built some sort of "wye" module, all the modules in use must form a single closed loop (in the meta sense) to allow continuous running. (25 years ago, 7-Jun-99, to lugnet.trains,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Train tables
(...) Naa. Neither approach is **better**. They are just different. (...) Sure. To do a PNLTC module base takes some wood, some paint, some hardware. 100 bucks at most, and that's no doubt high. Then there is the track itself, as well as the (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jun-99, to lugnet.trains,,

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