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Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
Fri, 14 Sep 2007 18:48:31 GMT
8343 times
In, Matija Puzar wrote:
   In, Jonathan Lopes wrote:
I like what I see here. Are there any more pictures available to see the details, close-ups and other angles and all?

I feel a bit teased with only these few images.

Thanks :)

There is a bit bigger version from the same angle available on BrickShelf. I haven’t made any other renderings, as I would now prefer to focus on making the brick-version and then take real photos along. But if you’re interested in some specific details, I will be glad to make screenshots of them.

Ah, I’m sorry. I thought there was an existing brick version already. No need to spend time on the screen shots. Build! :o)

I’ll be patient.

I greatly look forward to the brick-built version.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Knock knock... still there? ;) So, the first version is finally built (and I must say I'm more than glad about that period being over). It had become "a bit" exhausting after a while, but I think it was worth it. (2 URLs) To William, re "I (...) (16 years ago, 14-Jan-08, to, FTX) ! 

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Thanks :) There is a bit bigger version from the same angle available on (URL) BrickShelf>. I haven't made any other renderings, as I would now prefer to focus on making the brick-version and then take real photos along. But if you're (...) (17 years ago, 14-Sep-07, to, FTX)

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