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Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
Mon, 14 Jan 2008 20:53:19 GMT
! (details)
10178 times
In, Jonathan Lopes wrote:
Ah, I’m sorry. I thought there was an existing brick version already. No need to spend time on the screen shots. Build! :o)

I’ll be patient.

Knock knock... still there? ;)

So, the first version is finally built (and I must say I’m more than glad about that period being over). It had become “a bit” exhausting after a while, but I think it was worth it.

To William, re “I hope it comes together in brick form without any surprises :)”, well of course there were surprises... but isn’t that part of the fun? :) The worst “surprise” was that I actually managed to run out of some crucial parts, but what was even more surprising was that there were only a few types and a few parts, so I used the classical cpt. Kirk’s solution - I compensated. I also had to take some tough decisions, and in the end a few bricks had to be sacrificed (I ask for forgiveness from those who scored high on the purity test, but it was for a greater good).

People were wondering about the internal structure, so I put out a few pictures of that too (please do come with suggestions if you see something that is clearly too dangerous and could fall apart any minute, I am not an architect :)).


Unfortunately, the model is very dependent on the base being as perfect as possible, something mine isn’t, and as a result the roof on the back is very tense. I am still wondering how I’ll manage to place it in the middle of a layout, unless it is the first thing to be set up and it doesn’t have to be moved afterwards. How do you guys do it on shows?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Hi Matija, I also was following up your updates in the brickshelf gallery on the HNK building. And right from the first CAD file I saw I must addmit that this building is absolutly fantastic. It's a very challenging building to convert it into (...) (16 years ago, 16-Jan-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Yes! A little late, but here. :o) (...) Stunning. Excellent details everywhere. Congrats on the completion. best, Jonathan (16 years ago, 16-Jan-08, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Ah, I'm sorry. I thought there was an existing brick version already. No need to spend time on the screen shots. Build! :o) I'll be patient. I greatly look forward to the brick-built version. Best, Jonathan (17 years ago, 14-Sep-07, to, FTX)

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