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Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:19:05 GMT
10377 times
In, Matija Puzar wrote:

   Unfortunately, the model is very dependent on the base being as perfect as possible, something mine isn’t, and as a result the roof on the back is very tense. I am still wondering how I’ll manage to place it in the middle of a layout, unless it is the first thing to be set up and it doesn’t have to be moved afterwards. How do you guys do it on shows?

Hi Matija,

I also was following up your updates in the brickshelf gallery on the HNK building. And right from the first CAD file I saw I must addmit that this building is absolutly fantastic. It’s a very challenging building to convert it into a LEGO model. But you’ve done a great job, both in CAD and in BRICKS! Larger components (like the various domes) and small details (like the upside down use of “rocket-noses” in white for lights) are brilliant.

Back to your question. It took me a while to find a stable way to build modular large buildings which could be transported easily and are stable on various kinds of tables. As I start my buildings somewhere at an iconic part and mostly not at the base it’s quite a challenge to add a stable base later.

But to be able to transport and easy set up the model, a modular concept and a good base is necessary. While building don’t worry about not connecting everything with everything. Try to think of reasonable modules which could be easly combined with some Technic pins or axles in 1x2 brick with axle hole.

Here you can see the modules which I use to set up my Frauenkirche.

Your HNK was your learning experience, and next time you will think in advance of the more stability and a modular concept if you want to transport and show your creations at public events. And your creations are definetly worth showing to the public and other fans!

And you might also add some more inner structures to the facade elements and perhaps think of a base using old 32x32 street plates. Use tiles covered by bricks to make clear where a facade module should be placed while setting up the model.

Could you upload some more detailed pics of the dome, windows, lights and and and and to your brickshelf gallery.

Keep on brick’in


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Thanks :) (...) The building is indeed modular, it has been designed as such because I knew I would need to put it apart for transporting. Basically every wall section is a separate module (details on how it is "cut" can be seen (URL) if (...) (16 years ago, 17-Jan-08, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (HNK)
(...) Knock knock... still there? ;) So, the first version is finally built (and I must say I'm more than glad about that period being over). It had become "a bit" exhausting after a while, but I think it was worth it. (2 URLs) To William, re "I (...) (16 years ago, 14-Jan-08, to, FTX) ! 

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