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 Publishing / Brick Journal / 121
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Re: BrickJournal 5 is out!
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 21:45:06 GMT
5649 times
   hey guys,

i realize it isn’t realistic to make the file sizes smaller for the limited few who are still on dial up so is there someone who might be willing to put brickjournal 1-5 on a disk for me? i’d really like to read them.



Hey Ondrew,

I sent you a mail. If nobody else has offered, I can get this onto a CD for you. Just email me back with the address.

Mark Neumann
Lego Ambassador

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrickJournal 5 is out!
(...) hey guys, i realize it isn't realistic to make the file sizes smaller for the limited few who are still on dial up so is there someone who might be willing to put brickjournal 1-5 on a disk for me? i'd really like to read them. thanks, ondrew (18 years ago, 19-Oct-06, to lugnet.publish.brickjournal, FTX)

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