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Re: BrickJournal 5 is out!
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 04:42:18 GMT
5815 times
In lugnet.publish.brickjournal, J. Spencer Rezkalla wrote:

   Thanks for the story of Malle Hawking and his gigantic aircraft carrier. It was crazy watching the building progress unfold on Brickshelf. I have always wondered about the true story behind this model and who the builder was!


That’s how I found him - I saw his work on Brickshelf and searched around online until I found his account on 1000-steine...but his link was in German. My inquiry, wasn’t taken very serioously at that point, so I didn’t get a reply.

About two weeks after that, I got a note from Malle about his interest in coming to BrickFest 2007, and from there, one thing led to another..

The article itself has some information that has since been updated, so I’ll note it here:

The model has over 300,000 parts and can be shipped in 4 containers. LEGOLAND Billund will be displaying the Truman in Spring 2007. The Public Affairs Offiecr to the real Truman has a F-14 Tomcat model on display onboard.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrickJournal 5 is out!
(...) Thanks for the story of Malle Hawking and his gigantic aircraft carrier. It was crazy watching the building progress unfold on Brickshelf. I have always wondered about the true story behind this model and who the builder was! Spencer (18 years ago, 21-Oct-06, to lugnet.publish.brickjournal, FTX)

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