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Re: How to make shackles
lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle
Sun, 30 Apr 2000 03:32:50 GMT
1873 times
In lugnet.pirates, Jonathan Wilson writes:
David Simmons wrote:

I was fooling around last night and I think I hit upon a pretty awesome
idea.  First, take the hands off of the 'fig of your choice.  Thread the
hand peg through the top of the end stud of a dark gray 17 stud long chain.
The hands won't reattach all the way, but they should hold on ok as long as
they aren't jostled too much.

This would also look great for castle dungeons. You could have a really old
with no headwear on (bald, you see), a wizzards beard and a sutable torso etc.

Well... I finally got around making one of these... they look great!

Thanks for the great idea, Dave!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Cool Shiri! Another somethin' to put in Ragnoth's dungeon...Mwahahaha... -Chris (24 years ago, 30-Apr-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) This would also look great for castle dungeons. You could have a really old man, with no headwear on (bald, you see), a wizzards beard and a sutable torso etc. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)

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