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Re: How to make shackles
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 23:40:19 GMT
1057 times
In lugnet.pirates, David Simmons writes:
I was fooling around last night and I think I hit upon a pretty awesome
idea.  First, take the hands off of the 'fig of your choice.  Thread the
hand peg through the top of the end stud of a dark gray 17 stud long chain.
The hands won't reattach all the way, but they should hold on ok as long as
they aren't jostled too much.

Unfortunaltely, I don't have a chain, so I can't use the shackals, but the
idea is really cool!

Message is in Reply To:
  How to make shackles
I was fooling around last night and I think I hit upon a pretty awesome idea. First, take the hands off of the 'fig of your choice. Thread the hand peg through the top of the end stud of a dark gray 17 stud long chain. The hands won't reattach all (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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