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 Pirates / 638
  How to make shackles
I was fooling around last night and I think I hit upon a pretty awesome idea. First, take the hands off of the 'fig of your choice. Thread the hand peg through the top of the end stud of a dark gray 17 stud long chain. The hands won't reattach all (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: How to make shackles
David Simmons wrote in message ... (...) Cool. My attempts at this had always failed miserably. Expect to see these methods showing up at Port Block. I have almost enough convict figs to make a work detail ;-) Richard Still baldly going... Check out (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) This would also look great for castle dungeons. You could have a really old man, with no headwear on (bald, you see), a wizzards beard and a sutable torso etc. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Yeah! That is a good idea. I've got an 'old shipwrecked pirate' that's got the beard on over the red ragged-shirt torso, and it looks pretty good. (It even covers up the knife completely, so you don't need to worry about an armed prisoner in (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) "Ooooh, shackles! I wish they'd shackle me. The guard must really like you, to give you shackles. Been here five years, they never gave me shackles. Bloody lucky, you are!" (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
"You lucky bastard! You lucky, lucky bastard! What I wouldn't give to be spat upon!" Dave Jason Catena <> wrote in message (...) old (...) you, to (...) Bloody (...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) could have a really (...) And now for something completely different..... Monty Python's The Lego Grail..... A figure outfitted in black and blue armor, crested w/a black hawk, shouts insults and taunts from high atop his Yellow Castle wall, (...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
ROFLMAO! Thanks, John, for the best laugh I've had all week! That was very creative writing, shall we push on to the castle Anthrax? :-) Dave John Robert Blaze Kanehl <> wrote in message (...) be (...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) castle Anthrax? (...) wrote in message (...) I wouldn't give to (...) "First we must find a shrubbery......Yes! a shrubbery.....or may be a very tall deciduos tree thingy...." (...) guard must really like (...) never gave me shackles. (...) (...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Unfortunaltely, I don't have a chain, so I can't use the shackals, but the idea is really cool! (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Well... I finally got around making one of these... they look great! (URL) for the great idea, Dave! -Shiri (24 years ago, 30-Apr-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Cool Shiri! Another somethin' to put in Ragnoth's dungeon...Mwahahaha... -Chris (24 years ago, 30-Apr-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place." Megaphone, Aaron (24 years ago, 30-Apr-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)

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