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How to make shackles
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 01:54:48 GMT
1580 times
I was fooling around last night and I think I hit upon a pretty awesome
idea.  First, take the hands off of the 'fig of your choice.  Thread the
hand peg through the top of the end stud of a dark gray 17 stud long chain.
The hands won't reattach all the way, but they should hold on ok as long as
they aren't jostled too much.

As a variation, I have two pirates rowing two dinghys for bluecoats and I
have them chained to the boat this way:

1.  Gather together a 1x1 gray brick w/four sidestuds, one 1x1 round gray
brick, two nozzles/faucet pieces in gray, and one 1x4 gray tile.
2.  Place the 1x1 gray brick on top of the 1x1 round brick.
3.  Attach the nozzle pieces on opposing sides so that the narrow ends point
4.  Center this creation in the middle of four studs with the chain from
your prisoner looping under and around the base making sure the chain is in
between the narrow ends of the nozzles and the base of the 1x1 brick.
5.  Take the outer edge of the loop of chain and throw it over the top of
the 1x1 brick.
6.  Put the 1x4 tile on top of the 1x1 brick to secure the prisoner!

This looks great and it doesn't take up much space!  Have fun!


"There is no end, no beginning.  There is only the infinite passion of
life."  -Federico Fellini

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: How to make shackles
David Simmons wrote in message ... (...) Cool. My attempts at this had always failed miserably. Expect to see these methods showing up at Port Block. I have almost enough convict figs to make a work detail ;-) Richard Still baldly going... Check out (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) This would also look great for castle dungeons. You could have a really old man, with no headwear on (bald, you see), a wizzards beard and a sutable torso etc. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle)
  Re: How to make shackles
(...) Unfortunaltely, I don't have a chain, so I can't use the shackals, but the idea is really cool! (24 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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