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Re: (MOC) 36-gun Frigate RTS LEGOMALEE
Sun, 16 Jan 2005 06:37:15 GMT
11260 times
In lugnet.pirates, Aaron Walsh wrote:
   In lugnet.pirates, Kurt Baty wrote:
   36-gun Frigate RTS LEGOMALEE

pic link removed
at (photos by Tim Rueger)

modeled after the Leda class frigate

what do I like with what I did with this MOC, I like that the hull has sheer.

why pirates? (recall what Sam Houston said about us)

so what do you think?


Austin, TX

I really like it, Kurt! The sail plan and fighting tops are very realistic.

Thanks, tried to get them all to the same hight and different sizes. As for the shape, I looked at this:

Please note, the minifig marine climbing through the center fighting top.

   I also like the boat hanging over the stern.

It raises and lowers (Hose Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder and Drum) you can see the lines going to the reel in this pic.

and the drum in this one:

   The after castle seems a bit high for a frigate, however the proportions are otherwise very nice.

You are right, the stern looked wonderfully low and sleek, with just the captains cabin below the quarter deck. And as the LNA (Lego Naval Architect) of the RTN I would have left it that way. However she (the RTS LEGOMALEE) is the largest ship the fleet and the Admiral needed a flag-cabin, so ...

Now she has a nice dramatic aft.

   Nice ensign as well! Lots of cannons too - I wish I had that many cannons to play with!

Just a blank white #42 , with color printed paper labels (trimed)

“Remember the Alamo!” :)

Actually that’s the name of the 12-gun Top-Sail Schooner I am finishing up. RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: (MOC) 36-gun Frigate RTS LEGOMALEE
(...) see: (URL) (...) (19 years ago, 25-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: (MOC) 36-gun Frigate RTS LEGOMALEE
(...) I really like it, Kurt! The sail plan and fighting tops are very realistic. I also like the boat hanging over the stern. The after castle seems a bit high for a frigate, however the proportions are otherwise very nice. Nice ensign as well! (...) (19 years ago, 16-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

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