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Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:28:30 GMT
1787 times
In, C. L. GunningCook wrote:

I must say, your post really had me laughing.  Especially,
hearing about you "looking down the barrel of a gun".

   I'll second that - the stories are great. I can understand the "gunbarrel"
problem as well. I made a module that used a flexible paddlewheel (to prevent
jamming) to push balls up a curved ramp. Smiling with overconfidence, I turned
it on with my children watching. As the paddle approached the top of the slope,
the rubber band snapped it forward, tossing *all* the balls on it high into the
air (instead of gracefully over the edge into the rest of the module).
   Hey, but did I panic? I think not! As the module continued to toss 5-10 bps
three feet into the air, scattering them in all directions including raining
down on the heads of the kids, I lept to my feet to try to catch them... not
shut off the module, which continued to launch balls int the air at a frantic
rate until the 7-year-old in the room had the foresight to actually shut the
module off.

Now, tell me, how do you end up getting two slaves??

   I've got to echo Steve here - we're not *Steves* slaves, we're slaves the the
all-consuming passion that the GBC can become.

Brian Davis

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  Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
(...) Wow, that sounds like work! Have we met?? I'm Janey, a slacker, nice to meet you, wink. (...) Yes, Im okay, but I will NEVER do that again, but I'm back on working on a new design. (To carry on with the gun theme...) I may be wounded but the (...) (18 years ago, 30-Nov-05, to

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