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Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 02:23:54 GMT
1175 times
In, John Barnes wrote:

Since its you posting, I feel I ought to make some comment about ball pumps etc

But I shall refrain.


but I am surprised to hear you managed to damage a motor.
Most Lego motors can sustain an almost permanent stall without ill effect. Does
it just not operate anymore, or did you snap the shaft off?

Well it's sort of strange, it still runs, but its very slow, like its being
powered by almost dead batteries (and no, the batteries are fine, the other
motors work the same as always)

I have been inclined to use the white torque limiting gear to avoid serious
damage myself. I would recommend that to anyone who is experimenting with any
kind of ball handling device (pump, screw, or conveyor).

Yes, this is an option I should have thought of.

I also sometimes use "sacrificial" UJs in the drive from the motor too.

Ummmm sorry John, you lost me here...UJ? Universal Joints? Please "dumb" this
down, and type slower for us that arent so used to the lingo, wink.

used to be quite cheap from Pitsco, don't know if they still are. You can also
use a pulley and rubber-band drive as an option.

Ross suggested this to me as well.  I must say, anytime I have done that, I get
too much slippage even when there isn't much of a reason for it, I am sure there
are "better" setups than I am using.

Anyone have a reference???

Enjoy playing with your balls!


Janey "Red Brick"

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
(...) Since its you posting, I feel I ought to make some comment about ball pumps etc ;) But I shall refrain. Yes, the design of these wonderful constructions, GBC modules, do have to be approached with a certain amount of care. Despite the inherent (...) (18 years ago, 30-Nov-05, to

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