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Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 02:31:10 GMT
1103 times
In, Bryan Bonahoom wrote:
In, C. L. GunningCook wrote:

Janey - don't feel too bad...we have all been there.

Thanks Brian.

Though I would say Steve
has had to bear the most aingst about those little soccer balls.  You had to be
in his dining room to see the look on his face when my GBC module kept firing
the cute little balls into his big plate windows...He threatened a change to the
GBC spec to limit the velocity of the balls if I didn't do something to tame my
module  :)

I actually was too embarrassed my first post to mention I took one to the eye.
Holy that hurt...  I'm a shooter, I have learned not to look down a barrel, you
would think that I had a bit more common sense. But I swear, that ball pump
looked harmless, all "plasticy" and primary coloured... I had NO idea it was
like looking down the barrel of a loaded weapon.

Everyone please...a moment of silence for Janey's loss...

Aww, how touching.

aka - GBC Slave

GBC Slave is better than being Steve's Slave, wink.

Janey "Red Brick"
aka - Your pump sucks!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GBC group??? (and a sad story)
(...) Janey - don't feel too bad...we have all been there. Though I would say Steve has had to bear the most aingst about those little soccer balls. You had to be in his dining room to see the look on his face when my GBC module kept firing the cute (...) (18 years ago, 30-Nov-05, to

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