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Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:35:06 GMT
849 times
In, Jeff Stembel writes:
In lugnet.general, Eric Kingsley writes:


There is a simple answer to this.  Kyle wanted to make the room permanent, and
I believe the first couple names he tried were being used.  "BrickLUG" was the
first that was available.  :)

Which kind of highlights what Todd said in a different thread...
paraphrasing him (and an old saying),  "pick a name in haste, repent at

I agree with Eric K. that thinking about names is goodness (although it can
be taken to extremes, as with anything)... and I don't think anyone is
asking for changes to anything already done.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
(...) There is a simple answer to this. Kyle wanted to make the room permanent, and I believe the first couple names he tried were being used. "BrickLUG" was the first that was available. :) This is all from memory, so I could be waaaay out (...) (23 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to

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