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Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:12:31 GMT
736 times
"Eric Kingsley" <> wrote in message

[ ... lots of snippage ... ]

Again I don't want to start a flame war I am just trying to see what other
people think about the term LUG.  I just don't want to see the term taken • for
granted and used for the sake of using it.  Also note that I have no • problem
with either BrickLUG Chat or LUGMag its just their names don't make sense • to

I also don't expect either BrickLUG or LUGMag to change their names.  I • just
want people to start thinking about the use of the term LUG before they • use it.

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

To me LUG is LEGO Users Group - a loose collection of people interested in
all things LEGO.  To me an LTC is simply a form of a LUG with a very
specific focus.

One thing to not - if you want to register a XXLUG type domain, there are
lots of Linux Users Group (also a LUG) and lots of domains are taken.  That
is the reason NCLUG is and not - the Linux group had
already registered it.



Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at mindspring dot com - North Carolina LEGO Users Group - Carolina Train Builders - Brick Depot

Message is in Reply To:
  Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
OK, this is more of a question(s) then a statement. First I will ask the questions and then tell you why I am asking it and what my answer is. This is something I would like to get a concensus on and add it to the FAQ at some point. The Questions: (...) (23 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to lugnet.general, ! 

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