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Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:18:03 GMT
957 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
Eric Kingsley at wrote:

First BrickLUG Chat... or Brick LEGO Users Group Chat:

To me the name itself doesn't make sense when you string it out.  It seems
redundant "Brick LEGO".  Why not just call it Brick Chat if it is just a • place
for real time chats?  Or if it is a place for LEGO User Groups to Chat in • real
time why not just call it LUG Chat?

Because someone named it that a long time ago, and it's become such a
well-known destination for chat folks that we haven't bothered to change it.
Changing it would involve lots of notification of everyone who frequents the
chat room, which would be more trouble than it's worth.

The point isn't "why hasn't the name been changed".  The point was "why did it
get named that to begin with" and, going forward, "let's all think about how we
as a community would like to see the TLA 'LUG' used."


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
(...) Yes. I'm very concerned about this. --Todd (23 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to

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  Re: Definition of "LUG"... It's all in a name.
(...) Because someone named it that a long time ago, and it's become such a well-known destination for chat folks that we haven't bothered to change it. Changing it would involve lots of notification of everyone who frequents the chat room, which (...) (23 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to

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