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Brickset - A 'new' online database
Newsgroups:, lugnet.publish, lugnet.announce
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 21:11:08 GMT
3438 times
"Huw and Grahame's LEGO set database" has now officially become BrickSet.
This is an alternative to Pause and should be considered as a second-opinion
rather than a duplication of information due to the fact the database has
been independently compiled by Grahame Reid.

The UI has been considerably enhanced and can now be found at its new
easy-to-remember URL

The database contains some 1500 sets, most with high-quality scans of
instruction covers or box fronts, and covers all commonly-collected themes
as well as being the premier guide to promotional sets. In time, its scope
will increase to become as comprehensive as Pause.

The interface is likely to be tweaked over the next few weeks, as I get
feedback from users of different browsers and platforms. It uses
technologies new to me (for example CSS) and while I have tested it on IE5
and NN 4.6, I welcome feedback from users of other systems.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickset - A 'new' online database
(...) Random set feature!!!What fun! Thanks, Julie (24 years ago, 4-Dec-99, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: FreeNetnames comes up trumps!
Richard Franks <> wrote in message (...) add is (...) bottom is (...) I think it only appears if you run at 1024x768 currently. It sounds like you are running 800x600. (...) there a (...) (...) (24 years ago, 3-Dec-99, to, lugnet.publish)

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