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Presentation Video
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 18:04:44 GMT
3078 times

"Christian Treczoks" <> wrote in message

How about a webcast for those who can't come? We european AFOLs would
like to see, too, where the community is heading.

I'd be happy with streaming video online somewhere - it doesn't need to be
live - and we don't need a streaming video server to do it.

If someone can record the event on video (MiniDV), I would be happy to pull
the content from the tape and compress it nicely for distribution on an
available web server.

It is important though that the speaker wear a microphone - and when
questions are asked, it's best if the speaker repeats the question for the
mic before answering it.

Most stores that rent video equipment should be able to provide a good
wireless mic that could be used for this - and I'm sure someone out there
has a decent MiniDV compatible camcorder.

Let's not box ourselves in here by thinking it has to be expensive or
complex by way of broadband or fancy equipment.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What's next??
(...) Hi, Jake, How about a webcast for those who can't come? We european AFOLs would like to see, too, where the community is heading. Yours, Christian PS: Will you attend 1000Steine-Land in Berlin (Germany), too? (20 years ago, 3-Feb-04, to, lugnet.general,

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