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Re: What's next??
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 16:59:42 GMT
1890 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:
   There are some terrific things in the pipeline this year!

Like the return of gray, maybe? Sorry to bring it up again. Couldn’t hurt to rub it in unless really everybody at LEGO HQ in Billund turns green every time the issue comes up.

When I hear those “community developement”-stuff now, I can’t help but think how LEGO alienated right those community members in the first place by secretly messing with color standards and taking everybody for a fool with their pathetic attempts at explanation. Currently I wouldn’t trust anything coming from the direction of The LEGO Group any farther than I could throw say a Microsoft Windows®-PC.

Again, sorry for being so negative, but since past december I am NOT looking forward to the LEGO-year of 2004.

Message is in Reply To:
  What's next??
I can't believe we are already a month into 2004. In fact, I’m not entirely sure where 2003 went! Certainly lots of changes in 2003, and change can often lead to uncertainty. I've sensed from the private inquiries I've gotten that there is a bit of (...) (20 years ago, 2-Feb-04, to, lugnet.general,, FTX) !! 

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