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 Harry Potter / 991
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Re: A closer look at defective spiral stairs
lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 18:02:14 GMT
3282 times
In lugnet.harrypotter, David Eaton writes:
In lugnet.harrypotter, Adrian Drake writes:
In lugnet.harrypotter, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
In lugnet.harrypotter, David Eaton writes:
Anyway, I took a little time and did some examination on my two sets of HP
spiral staircases, showing the resultant gaps, pictures of the differences
in defective and normal pieces, and also some stats on which sets contained
what, in what quantity, with what part id's:

Cool stuff!  Let me add my data from the 6706 - can anyone else confirm that
the stair pieces in these sets are consistent or random?

They are random.  Here's mine:
1-01 (1)
1-02 (2)
2-02 (2)
3-02 (2)
4-02 (1)
5-02 (3)
6-01 (1)
6-02 (1)
8-01 (1)
8-02 (2)

From which set? And all non-defective, I presume?

For the moment I'm wondering more whether defective pieces have consistant
numbers, and whether, within a single set, if any normal AND defective steps
have the same numbers...


Oh, sorry.  They're all normal, and from the 4706 Forbidden Corridor.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A closer look at defective spiral stairs
(...) From which set? And all non-defective, I presume? For the moment I'm wondering more whether defective pieces have consistant numbers, and whether, within a single set, if any normal AND defective steps have the same numbers... DaveE (22 years ago, 20-Dec-01, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general)

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