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Re: Town without AFOL's
Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:04:23 GMT
24822 times
In lugnet.general, Arne Lykke Nielsen wrote:
I have found a town completely devoid of any AFOLs. Proof: set 383 being on
the shelf of a toy store for 25 years without being bought!!!
The town is Helsingborg in Sweden, the shop is a combined
bicycle-and-toy-shop(at Södergatan/Bollbrogatan).

This shop is still in business (well) and has almost no LEGO left, seems it's
become even harder to shop there since the old man refuses to give prices or
sell stuff not in the window and tells you to leave (but this might be put down
to hating teens, it was a TFOL experiencing this). But he's retiring soon,
according to the local rumor.

Message is in Reply To:
  Town without AFOL's
I have found a town completely devoid of any AFOLs. Proof: set 383 being on the shelf of a toy store for 25 years without being bought!!! The town is Helsingborg in Sweden, the shop is a combined bicycle-and-toy-shop(at Södergatan/Bollbrogatan). (...) (21 years ago, 9-May-03, to lugnet.general,,, ! 

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