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Re: MOC: Motorized Cows
lugnet.general,, lugnet.trains
Tue, 3 Aug 2004 19:12:50 GMT
1876 times
In lugnet.general, Dave Schuler wrote:

   This is officially the coolest MOC I have ever seen.
Thanks :)

   Other than space and brick constraints, is there a limit to the number of cows you could rig this way? And is it possible to vary the rate of motion slightly between animals?

Well, the only limit I see is from the power of the RCX and/or its number of outputs. You can easely modify the programm, by example in order to add sensors or outputs to control 3 or more cows. For my part, I have only two micromotors, so... And of course, if you use two outputs for two cows, they can be desynchronized. For the power, I used 1 (NQC) (the minimum to move the heads) but you can increase the speed. But as my two cows are together, they can have exactly the same movement.


Erik / brickerik

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC: Motorized Cows
(...) This is officially the coolest MOC I have ever seen. Other than space and brick constraints, is there a limit to the number of cows you could rig this way? And is it possible to vary the rate of motion slightly between animals? In any case, (...) (20 years ago, 3-Aug-04, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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