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 Castle / 1206
1205  |  1207
Re: New Model: The Devil's Gap
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 03:34:17 GMT
701 times
AHHHHHH!  I am so impressed by your creation that I can't even stand it!  I
sincerely hope you post an extensive explanation as to how you did it.  I would
find such a thing highly interesting.

Once again, great work!  You obviously have a real talent for this!

Rick Kurtzuba

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Model: The Devil's Gap
(...) Thanks Rick I hope this will begin to answer your question (kinda long acutally - scroll to the bottom if you want to see the sets that I think should inspire most castle creators): Working on my storyline, I knew that I wanted to make (...) (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Model: The Devil's Gap
I did some experimenting with wheels and ropes, and came up with this little creation which I call The Devil's Gap. It fits nicely into the story that I'm working on and plan to have finished soon (before I'm old enough to drink hopefully). Here is (...) (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)  

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