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 Castle / 1229
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Re: New Model: The Devil's Gap
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 17:58:23 GMT
680 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:

This is why I should have bid higher on the RR baseplate!

Really cool work!

Where does one acquire the needed low red slopes and low red corner slopes?
What sets do these come in?

Very high marks, Pawel!!!

-- Richard

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New Model: The Devil's Gap
(...) Go to Glen Tannenbaum's page at: (URL) look for the roof bricks pack. It's a good deal. (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: New Model: The Devil's Gap
(...) I got them from - they offered $50 off $75 purchase. I ordered 2 Dacta roof pack and 1 windows and doors pack. The shipping was quite a bit, but overall the deal was worth it. -- pn (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Model: The Devil's Gap
I did some experimenting with wheels and ropes, and came up with this little creation which I call The Devil's Gap. It fits nicely into the story that I'm working on and plan to have finished soon (before I'm old enough to drink hopefully). Here is (...) (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)  

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