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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 2492
2491  |  2493
Re: 1st LSC: Call for Nominations
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 13:54:16 GMT
1125 times
In, Tim Courtney wrote:

I'd like to add a nomination for Larry Pieniazek - he was also involved in sorta
the preliminary discussion that lead to the LSC Proposal drafts, and has some
good ideas.

I've given this some considerable thought and while I think it's important to
have a community focused voice on the committee, I have decided to decline this
nomination. There are a number of other very well qualified nominees and I'm
concerned about getting spread too thin. I want to thank Tim and others for
their expressions of support, though.

I do plan to stand for the overall executive committee once those
elections are launched, though. (and it is my expectation that will be happening
fairly soon, the LSC election should validate a lot of the technical work that
will make elections happen).

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 1st LSC: Call for Nominations
(...) Yeah, the compartmentalized among us were asking I post LSC stuff in :-) (...) Consider it withdrawn. My mistake for not thinking ahead :-) I'd like to add a nomination for Larry Pieniazek - he was also involved in sorta the (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jul-03, to

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