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Re: txt2dat - Create LDraw files from text
Mon, 9 May 2005 23:04:49 GMT
4002 times
In, Don Heyse wrote:
   In, Ross Crawford wrote:
   In, Don Heyse wrote:
Yeah, I was gonna suggest you convert the “font” from the ldraw lettered tiles into a cheesy builtin internal font, which would be used by default. Then add a -f before the font if you can find a better one somewhere. That way you could make something without searching around for fonts.

Your wish is my command... well almost.

Very nice! That font looks better than I remember. How’d you coerce it into TrueType format?

Well I worked out the scale factor, and imported the DATs into an Access db (some had to have some stuff inlined first) then manually went through the polygons working out all the verteces and entered them directly using Font Creator.

   Always one to push my luck, I do have two little quibbles. I liked the way version 1.4 printed the usage info when running txt2dat with no args. Now it prints a weird error message.

Ahhhhh. That’s because before it knew there was an error if no font was specified. Now it just assumes the internal font, then complains because you didn’t enter any characters to convert. I’ll fix that.

   Also, the internal default font does not seem to contain the space character, despite what it says on the website and in the readme.txt file. Instead I get this.

Warning: No font specified - Using internal default.

Warning: Char 32 has no glyph in font - ignoring...

Maybe I’m using the wrong character for space?

Uh oh. That second bug that I “fixed” in this version, I didn’t test with space. The space char (which has no associated glyph) has to still be mapped as a valid char by freetype - I will try to figure out how to fix it.

   Oh, and by the way, I managed to build 1.4 on Redhat 9. Here’s a snapshot of it running in the cheesy tcl gui. You’ll have to pretend not to see the XP Window decorations. The redhat box was headless, so I displayed it via the Cygwin X server. The only trouble I had building (other than figuring out where to put Triangle and Freetype) was with $MATH. It gets defined to -lm but it’s never used by the linker. I had to add it by hand to the linker options.

The Makefile was basically butchered from the Freetype demos, because of the weird way Freetype does it’s platform independence. I will add $MATH to the link options.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: txt2dat - Create LDraw files from text
(...) coerce it into TrueType format? Always one to push my luck, I do have two little quibbles. I liked the way version 1.4 printed the usage info when running txt2dat with no args. Now it prints a weird error message. Also, the internal default (...) (19 years ago, 9-May-05, to, FTX)

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