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Re: txt2dat - Create LDraw files from text
Sat, 30 Apr 2005 21:59:07 GMT
3975 times
In, Anders Isaksson wrote:
Ross Crawford wrote:

Nuthin like a good ol' command line utility ;) though I wouldn't be
adverse to someone creating a nice graphical interface

Quick hack: (Exe + Delphi 5
source, 270 kB)

Wow! Thanks Anders, I will add a link from my page next time I update it!

working out which font file to use is a bit of a pain sometimes...

I googled for it (going from font name to font file) and could only find the
advice to enumerate all font files and read the info in them. Sounds like
loads of work :-(

I see what you mean. I never realised it would be so hard to get that
information, good ol' windoze. I think your way is the easiest workaround.

I did it the other way around - point to a font file, and my GUI shows a
preview of the font.

Feel free to try it!

Works great for me!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: txt2dat - Create LDraw files from text
(...) Quick hack: (URL) (Exe + Delphi 5 source, 270 kB) (...) I googled for it (going from font name to font file) and could only find the advice to enumerate all font files and read the info in them. Sounds like loads of work :-( I did it the other (...) (19 years ago, 30-Apr-05, to

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