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Space! at BrickFest 2005
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Wed, 1 Jun 2005 01:33:13 GMT
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Space! at BrickFest 2005

Dan Rubin and Lenny Hoffman are the Space theme coordinators. Jon Palmer is helping with planning for the Moonbase, and Jeff Stembel is handling all things Mecha.

First off, we have the 3rd floor lobby for the Moonbase, as well as many of the rooms we had last year. We are going to make the Moonbase thinner and longer, so that modules aren’t buried on the inside, also this will give us a chance to do some interesting creative details. This also means we will need more endcaps.

I’d like to urge everyone bringing a creation to BrickFest to fill in their MOC-cards - this will allow us to better plan the Moonbase. When entering Moonbases, please put ‘Moonbase’ as the first word in the “Title” (eg. “Moonbase: Krispy Kreme”) and then, under the description, add the primary and secondary colors of your Moonbase module (eg. “Description: Grey/Red – an Eastern Block Gulag…”).

There is also going to be a really cool Asteroid Field Display. It will feature asteroids being utilized in a variety of ways, from mining operations to monasteries, as well as spaceships moving through the asteroid field. Dan has begun the great Asteroid Contest – a winner will be picked online and a winner will be picked at BrickFest.

To encourage building, we have expanded the number of awards we are going to give out. Some will be judged and some will be voted for.

Judged Awards:
  • Best Asteroid
  • Most Humorous Creation
  • Best Detail and/or Greeble
Voted Awards:
  • Small Space 1st, 2nd
  • Medium Space 1st, 2nd
  • Large Space 1st, 2nd
  • Best Moonbase Endcap
  • Small Moonbase 1st, 2nd
  • Large moonbase 1st, 2nd
Like last year, 1st place awards will be given a Space Vignette Trophy built by some of the best builders in Space! 2nd place winners will be given a special smaller trophy yet to be designed, plus all the fame and glory that goes with being not-quite-the-best.

Of course, as we come up with newer and more exciting plans, we’ll keep you in the know! I bet this will be the mostest fun BrickFest ever!!

-Lenny and Dan

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Space! at BrickFest 2005
(...) With the moonbase longer and thinner, spread out in the lobby, it should look really great. A suggestion though, to help avoid the "crowding" of last year, why not add more blank plates, and more simple corridors. Generally (but not always) (...) (19 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to,, FTX)
  Re: Space! at BrickFest 2005
(...) So, for those people who don't make it this year, will it will be all downhill starting in 2006? :P Jude (19 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Space! at BrickFest 2005
Awesome post. Thank you! Added to the sidebar -[build.mecha]- under "Mech Expo". e (19 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to,
  Re: Space! at BrickFest 2005
(...) How about Micro Moonbase? And if so, what standard would we follow? (18 years ago, 14-Jul-06, to,, FTX)

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