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Re: How to get apart that structure?
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:39:11 GMT
281 times
My first thought was that you could push the axles through, but looking closer,
I see those are axle connectors, and so those are two length 3 axles, not one
length 6 axle.  So, the axles cannot be pushed through them.


It looks to me that only thing that may get it apart is the fact that sometimes
the bricks flex a little bit, so you could try to push in opposite directions
on the horizontal 1 x 6 beams and try to pry out one of the plates that are on
the cross beam in the middle.  If you manage that, then you should be able to
do the same on the other side and take the cross beam out.  Then it would just
fall apart.

Looks like it's going to be tough.

Good Luck...

-Andy Lynch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Holger Matthes" <>
Hi folks,

Jan, a friend of mine, couldn't sleep last night, so he thought of building
something, which couldn't be able to get apart again. And he was succesful. • See
the structure at:

Does anyone got some ideas of getting "it" apart again?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How to get apart that structure?
Hi Andy, (...) closer, (...) That's the point! The axle connectors makes it impossible to push the axles through the whole strcture! (...) sometimes (...) That is a solution, but does that idea fit the regular way of putting LEGO® apart? (...) Ohh, (...) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  How to get apart that structure?
Hi folks, Jan, a friend of mine, couldn't sleep last night, so he thought of building something, which couldn't be able to get apart again. And he was succesful. See the structure at: (URL) anyone got some ideas of getting "it" apart again? Regards, (...) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to ! 

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