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 Year / 2001 / 408
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Re: LEGO Theatrical "trailer"
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:34:11 GMT
1321 times
In lugnet.year.2001, Dave Schuler writes:
A movie like that really has big shoes to fill, since it's competing
against the imagination of millions (?) over 25+ years!  Anything they tried
would be bound to disappoint some viewers, I suppose, but I'm glad to hear
it wasn't too bad...


Perhaps unfortunately the same can be said of Lord of the Rings.  I have
much higher expectations of that since it probably also has the budget and
background to make a much more serious effort.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Theatrical "trailer"
(...) A movie like that really has big shoes to fill, since it's competing against the imagination of millions (?) over 25+ years! Anything they tried would be bound to disappoint some viewers, I suppose, but I'm glad to hear it wasn't too bad... (...) (24 years ago, 11-Dec-00, to lugnet.year.2001)

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