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Last updated May 6, 2006.

Your curators are Suzanne Rich and Richie Dulin. You may send Suz or Richie email with comments, corrections, or suggestions for this area.

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lugnet.vikings– LEGO SYSTEM® Vikings™: products (information, opinions, reviews, etc.); building (settings, contexts, characters, projects, models, layouts, plans, tools, tips, etc.); inspiration (ideas, movies, books, literature, magazines, music, historical events, etc., as they relate to Vikings); etc.

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  Viking Shipyard
I'm working on a viking shipyard for an exhibition in Høje Tåstrup next month. (URL) The shipyard itself> is ready, so now it is time to build longships. (URL) What do you think of it? Any blatant anachronisms? Play well, Jacob -- (URL) LEGO boats> (16 years ago, 18-Sep-09, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, lugnet.vikings, FTX)  
  Castle at Brickworld 2009
It occurred to me that I ought to repost this info here on LUGNET for any Brickworld attendees who might not read (URL). Hello everyone. I will again be coordinating the Castle display at (URL) Brickworld>. Classic-Castle's own Baron von Ellermann (...) (16 years ago, 14-May-09, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.vikings,, FTX)
  Re: New Ldraw parts authors tool: Projector
(...) Hi Mike, Yes, I considered this possibility in the beginning, but I was not convinced by the vectorization process. One key issue is that silk-screened parts are far from perfect (misprints, color registration problems...). I found that (...) (17 years ago, 11-Jun-08, to, lugnet.vikings, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: New Ldraw parts authors tool: Projector
Reading your tutorial made me wonder whether scans of the orignal parts could be vectorized using Inkscape (Inkscape includes an automatic raster-to-vector converter). The resultant SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file could then maybe be converted (...) (17 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to, lugnet.vikings, lugnet.castle, FTX)

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