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Review of set 7017, Viking Catapult versus the Nidhogg Dragon
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 18:31:41 GMT
20832 times

    7017 Viking Catapult vs. Nidhogg Dragon
225 elements, 2 figures, US$20, 2005
LEGO > SYSTEM > Vikings

(Castle) System / Vikings
Viking Catapult versus the Nidhogg Dragon
La catapulte des Vikings contre le dragon Nidhogg
La Catapulta Vikinga contra el Dragon Nidhogg

Ages 7-14. 225 Pcs. (C)2005. 35 page manual: 1 model (1 ballista, 1 Dragon), 79 steps. Building time, around 36 minutes.

Price Range: $20 USD

RATINGS (Scale: Must-Have Excellent Very-Good Good Fair Poor)
Set: Must-Have / Models: Excellent / Playability: Must-Have

DECALS? Yes. 1 Black/White Viking Shield sticker, 1 Blue Yellow Viking Shield Sticker extra.

This set features two main models: a Viking Catapult (which is actually a ballista), and the Nidhogg Dragon. The ballista is a mix of browns, grays and blacks and rolls along on four large black wheels. The ballista uses a soccer stand to launch its projectiles, which are loaded into the ballista like a handgun clip. The Nidhogg Dragon is mostly dark red, with dark tan claws, orange highlights on the wings, and splashes of black, gray and red. The various pictures on the box and in the instruction manual show the Vikings and Nidhogg in various battle poses, with one alternate model on page 36 depicting a strange Viking wagon being pulled along by a chained Nidhogg.

As with my review of the Viking Warrior challenges the Fenris Wolf, so many of the parts in this set are new to me that it would be quicker to go read the piece list at Peeron than to have me list them all out here! A couple of note are the pre-molded dragon head, multi-colored dragon’s wings, and gray treasure chest.

My second foray into the Viking theme was another happy one, let’s hope this trend keeps going with the other sets, or gets even better! My initial reaction to the set was “that isn’t a catapult, that’s a heavy repeating ballista!”, but a ballista is technically a type of catapult, so I guess it’s ok. I’ll go through this set as my reactions came about while building it.

As with all system sets, we start with the minifigs. There are two minifigs, and both are different than the one challenging Fenrir! One sports scale-mail (great for those of us who use Lego for AD&D miniatures) as well as a chain mail coif and long-axe. The second figure wears chain mail similar to the Fenris minifig. Unfortunately he is saddled with a Knights Kingdom sword, but to help make up for his inferior weapon he carries my first encounter with the new Viking shields. Using the plunger handle in these shields is interesting, as it allows the handle to be inserted in two different ways, allowing the shield to be held slightly differently depending on taste. I think I’ll like these shields, though the plunger protruding through the front may take a little getting used to, and I’m not crazy about the decals. Don’t take that the wrong way, I like the patterns on the decals very much, I just think I would prefer printed pieces to using decals. Then again, anyone buying the set for parts might appreciate the 3x3 Technic disc being plain black.

The ballista is a mixed bag. I’m not sure if I like the use of the Technic beams for the vertical structure of the siege engine, but they do allow for an easy angling of the protective plating on the front. The wheels are quite large and black, and I am ambivalent about those. The round 4 x 4 Viking patterned dish is very nice, and I’ll be happy to have more of those shortly. There are three things that detract from the ballista for me. 1) The mishmash of colors. The clip on the soccer base/launcher is green, the only green in the set. Some of the Technic pins are blue, which stick out against the black pieces they secure. There are a couple of red pieces in the bottom frame. If viewed from the front, these aren’t a problem at all, but they stand out from the side or back. 2) The ballista arms. I had quite a hard time getting one of them into the tan block to start with, and the design and silver coloring seem a little out of place. 3) The ‘Viking sidecar’. There is a strange little stand for one of the Viking figures that attaches to the side of the ballista. Not only does it not need to be there, but it looks like it was stuck on as an afterthought. Luckily it can be left off the model with the only side effect that you’ll have some extra pieces, so I suppose that is a win. To get away from the negativity, there are some positives about the ballista as well. It is decorated with four Viking helmet horns and two “animal tail ends”, which are also monstrous horns or tusks. The soccer stand also works well as a launcher for the ballista, firing the projectiles a good 4-5 feet. If you ever use this for war gaming, remember that each consecutive shot will fire a little further, as there is less weight and friction on the missile’s shaft. Great playability for shooting at Nidhogg, Knights Kingdom castles, or your kid sister!

The last model to build in this set is also the highlight. When I first looked at the Viking sets, I thought of the Vikings and their boats, fortresses and siege machines as the main attraction… I think I was way off base! Sure, Nidhogg has some issues, but those issues are squashed by his playability! While there are a few other new pieces here for me, the ones that will stand out for this model are the head and wings. They look quite specific to dragon building, but we’ll see what else people use them for in time. 10 Viking helmet horns, 2 huge horns, and 16 points of articulation (12 of them ball-joints) make this a fearsome creature indeed! And to make him even more deadly, and allow him to perform his tree root gnawing duty of mythology, he comes with something Fenrir could only wish for – a jaw! Nidhogg reigns supreme when it comes to playability. The first thing I did after he was built was to start posing him. He can stand on all fours like a cat, lay down, sit up, stand on his hind legs, curl up around a pile of treasure, or even stand on three legs while puffing out his wings to look even MORE intimidating while simultaneously swatting one minifig with his fourth claw and biting one with his toothy maw. I think you can probably see that I think the articulation is awesome.

The only complaints I have about the dragon are far overshadowed by its playability. First, a majority of the pieces that give the dragon his shape, and likely his affordability, are Technic pieces, which LOOK Technic. The ‘Technic lift arms’ (Nidhogg’s legs and neck) and ‘Technic claw’ all look very mechanical and unnatural, not the best match for a dragon. Unfortunately, as these parts are what give such great, and cheap, articulation to the model, only new molds would likely solve the problem while keeping the price point down, and that is a large expense I don’t see being taken, especially after all the other new molds that the Viking line has already used! The second problem with the dragon is with minor aesthetics. Ball joints and the Technic connectors with the sockets are all out in the open, a very minor thing at this point. Also, the issue of colors comes into play here a well. The ball joints for the wings are gray, as is the vertical pin though the head, and various random pieces are black. There are even more blue pins visible from the front and back. Nidhogg might look better if he cleaned these splotches off and stuck to his primary coloration. Again, this is a minor issue, as is the last one. If the long Technic pin in Nidhogg’s head is pushed all the way down, his jaw can’t close completely. If the jaw is forced, the pin will get pushed back up again.

Would I buy this set again? Heck yes! Would I recommend this set to anyone? Let me think about that for a second…. No, no need to think, I would definitely recommend this set to anyone who might have even an inkling of interest! Will I buy more than one? That is to be seen, but mostly because I’m not independently wealthy. I can’t wait to have Nidhogg wreak havoc on unsuspecting minifigs everywhere, and this set has piqued my interest in Fafnir!

Review Written: December 29th, 2005
By: Brett Kingery (plucky)
Age 30 Favorite Lines/Themes: Castle, Star Wars
CA++++ #+++ CO LM LS++ P+++ S- Hzl M- YB75mIC17

I buy mostly Castle and Star Wars themes, and always assemble the main model at least once. What happens to the piece after that is always a mystery. Some favorites always remain built though.

This review is Copyright 2005, by the author as named above. The author grants publication rights for all uses, public and private, with the following exceptions: all information in the document must be published in full; any for-profit use requires express written permission by the author for publication in full or in part.

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