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Re: bruised ego
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 19:18:36 GMT
603 times
In lugnet.trains, Steven Barile writes:
Hi all. One of the reasons we all post pics on the web is cause we're all
proud ABS parents, but another is to critique and spur on new ideas... I've
noticed about 400 hits on our site in the last few days so someone's looking
at the GATS show... any comments?

(The best builders don't usually need egoboo from others because they know
they're good :-) )

Part of it is also that NALUG came out about the same time and theirs, given
how little relative experience they had, is very impressive indeed. Yours
was merely your average... Ho hum, just another PNLTC show. What's to say?
You guys always put on a great show.

I agree with Jacob that some sort of generated next/prev page would be
nice... it's easy to create such automated pages with a simple bat file if
the images are all in the same directory.

I agree with Eric that maybe we ARE becoming numb as more and more clubs get
the hang of doing impressive displays.

Message is in Reply To:
  bruised ego
Hi all. One of the reasons we all post pics on the web is cause we're all proud ABS parents, but another is to critique and spur on new ideas... I've noticed about 400 hits on our site in the last few days so someone's looking at the GATS show... (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains)

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