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Re: Three New Train Cars
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 16:37:08 GMT
706 times

Christopher Masi wrote:
  Wow, looks great. I really like the caboose. I hate cutting tubing, but the
curved railings look so good that I might have to cut some tubing for my
caboose. Did you use stiff (pod racer) tubing or flexible tubing?

Thanks!  I used the stiff tubing (from the technic sub I think) for the railings.  I was able to get two railings from one whole piece so I wasn't
wasting any tubing.
There is a probhlem with the tubing tear the part of the endwall off the caboose, so a minor rebuild(plate rearrangement) is in order.

  Also, I like the steps. Is this the first time anyone has used those parts to
make steps? I saw someone, sorry I cannot remember who from 1000-Steine posted
the pictures) use those parts, in a different way, to make steps on a diesel
engine, but you have used them differently.

I think I have seen someone use the tile with bar for steps the same way I did.  I'm not sure who or when though.

  The last question is about the ladders going to the roof of the caboose. I
cannot quite make out what you used for the rungs. Are those
1x1-with-vertical-clip plates connected to the antenna?

1x3 technic liftarm (


ps.  I've been looking at your sd-40-2 a lot recently as I try to finish my gp-35.
thanks for the inspiration.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Three New Train Cars
(...) (URL) at 8 wide, we are in desperate need of some thin railings, ladder wrungs, stairs, etc.... -John (...) (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Three New Train Cars
(...) Thanks, I am reworking the front of the truck and the railings on the truck. The old design had some clearance issues. I'll try to get a picture of the new railings up this weekend, even though the rework isn't done. Chris (24 years ago, 30-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Three New Train Cars
Chris, Wow, looks great. I really like the caboose. I hate cutting tubing, but the curved railings look so good that I might have to cut some tubing for my caboose. Did you use stiff (pod racer) tubing or flexible tubing? Also, I like the steps. Is (...) (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)

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