| | Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
Hi all... I'm curious about the ratio of LEGO train wheel diameter to the distance between the rails on LEGO track. Is the LEGO ratio correct relative to typical prototypes? The diameter looks good to me on 6-wides but sometimes it seems too small (...) (20 years ago, 17-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Not in the slightest. Correct width, assuming standard gauge of 4' 8.5", should be 10 wide (or about 1 stud to 1 foot). LEGO train wheels on 10 wides don't look good, IMO. (...) I don't really make any distinctions between 6 wide and 8 wide. (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Standard gauge Track 4' 8 1/2" = 1435mm Lego track = 38mm Thus Lego track is about 1/37.8 scale Lego wheel = 18mm diameter At 1/37.8 scale this scales to be about 640mm = or 2' 2 3/4" In the UK at least a standard wagon (truck) wheel is in the (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Actually I was think after posting that I'm not sure if the track guage is measured from rail centre to rail centre of from rail inside edge to inside edge. I assumed inside edge above, if it is from the centres then the wheels are even (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) The prototype measures from the inside edge, IIRC since rail cross sectional dimensions vary. I agree that the wheels are under-diameter in relation to track gauge (Working some US numbers: a typical US non low profile freight car wheel might (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) No, standard gauge is 4' 8 1/2" in the UK and everywhere else in the world as well. (1)(2) Places such as Russia or Ireland(3) which have broad gauge as their main gauge might argue that that their's is 'standard' but thats more question of (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Tim/Lar/John thanks for the info. I suspected the wheels were undersized. Ignoring the track, I'm curious now which ratio is more prototypical: LEGO wheel-diameter to 6-wide locomotive/rolling-stock or LEGO wheel-diameter to 8-wide? I guess (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) IIRC the Dutch railways has changed the gauge from 1435mm to 1433mm. I don't know about other countries. It is still refered to as 1435mm, but the actual gauge can be slightly different from place to place. Another detail that has changed over (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) The ferarri truck is six wide, IIRC. So an 8-wide car would look best IMO. (...) (This point has already been brought up by ROSCO at JLUG, but I'll say it again here.) The small BBB wheels would look good enough for disels/elctrics, although (...) (20 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) I think you are thinking of [LEGOSet 1253-1] [LEGOSet 8654] is the set referred to in this post. (...) You forgot to mention your (URL) hidden power bogie design> which is equally as applicable a principle used with BBB wheels as 6 wheel (...) (20 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) In the UK the track gauge is 1435mm +5mm -2mm, but never less than 1435mm at switches and crossings. The gauge is also slightly wider on curves than on straight track. On double track, the two tracks tilt slightly away from each other. Mark (20 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) In most of my engines I use wheels that do the functional job, leaving the aesthetics to the facias on the bogies. The Peak is a good example: (URL) Each bogie has 4 wheelsets, the middle 2 being the motor, the inner ones a 9V wheelset and the (...) (20 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) If I recall correctly, it means 'if I recall correctly' Jon (20 years ago, 19-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) You are correct AFAIK:-D Hey, Tim, check (URL) THIS> out! HTH;-) JOHN (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Well, I have not done any math, and it seems clear that LEGO train wheels are somewhat undersized. Nonetheless I haven't noticed an aesthetic issue. Here is why I think that is the case. Unless you take apart your wheels, the shape of the (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Eeeps! Missed out opportunity for shameless self-plug! :-o (...) I was wondering about that when I had that discussion with ROSCO. Neither of us could think of such a proto, although I know plenty of electrics have the spoked wheels. Care to (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
(...) Hmm, perhaps I should take note of your point below! The only one I can think of off the top of my head is the (URL) BR class 74 electro-diesel> (1) which is a bit of a cheat as they are really electrics with a small diesel generator for (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
And of course pretty much all fixed wheelbase shunter/switchers! Tim (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Non-steam Engines with Spoked Wheels
(...) A few more British non-steam engines that use spoked wheels: GT3 (1961), a 2700hp gas turbine engine designed to look like a 4-6-0 steam engine. (URL) 10100 (1950), the "Fell" locomotive, 4-8-4/2D2, later 4-4-4-4. This loco had 4 engines, 2 in (...) (20 years ago, 20-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote: Thanks you guys! (...) Oh yeah, we (URL) have> those :-) Lots of them :-d Legoswami (20 years ago, 21-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: Non-steam Engines with Spoked Wheels
(...) I'd like to see a Fell, I have a soft spot for it. Mind you you'd have to design it so it kept going wrong! Tim (20 years ago, 21-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)