Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:04:00 GMT
1898 times
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In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, Paul S. D'Urbano wrote:
> > Hi all...
> >
> > I'm curious about the ratio of LEGO train wheel diameter to the distance between
> > the rails on LEGO track. Is the LEGO ratio correct relative to typical
> > prototypes? The diameter looks good to me on 6-wides but sometimes it seems too
> > small on 8-wides (vs. height). Now I know the 8-wide folks say 8-wide is more
> > appropriate for the track width so it led me to think maybe the wheel-diameter
> > to rail-spacing ratio is off. Or am I just used to looking at 6-wides?
> >
> > Speaking of scale issues... I just built 8654, the Scuderia Ferrari Truck
> > (which I think is a great set, by the way...). I had expected the mini-figs to
> > look much too small against it but I was surprised that it doesn't seem that far
> > off. Got me thinking about a piggy-back freight car that would look scaled
> > right against the 8654 trailer (which itself is 10-wide). And then I thought of
> > the locomotive that would be pulling it (!)... Anyone do train stuff on that
> > kind of scale? Would you need TLG to make wheelsets with larger diameter
> > wheels?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
> Standard gauge Track 4' 8 1/2" = 1435mm
> Lego track = 38mm
> Thus Lego track is about 1/37.8 scale
> Lego wheel = 18mm diameter
> At 1/37.8 scale this scales to be about 640mm = or 2' 2 3/4"
> In the UK at least a standard wagon (truck) wheel is in the 3'2" region, with
> coach and loco wheels bigger so the Lego wheel is pretty undersize compared to
> the track, at least for the average vehicle. (you do get low ride-height
> vehicles with small wheelsets) However the overscale flanges (should be about
> 2mm as opposed to the 4mm that they are) on the Lego wheels do make them seem
> considerably bigger than they are so you can get away with it without it LOOKING
> too out of proportion.
> All this doesn't take into account the size you build the train to, its just the
> relationship between the track gauge and the wheel size.
> Tim
> PS I think I got the maths right! All dimensions are approximate
Actually I was think after posting that I'm not sure if the track guage is
measured from rail centre to rail centre of from rail inside edge to inside
edge. I assumed inside edge above, if it is from the centres then the wheels are
even smaller to scale with the track gauge.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
| (...) The prototype measures from the inside edge, IIRC since rail cross sectional dimensions vary. I agree that the wheels are under-diameter in relation to track gauge (Working some US numbers: a typical US non low profile freight car wheel might (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Question on Train Wheel Diameter, Minifig Scale
| (...) Standard gauge Track 4' 8 1/2" = 1435mm Lego track = 38mm Thus Lego track is about 1/37.8 scale Lego wheel = 18mm diameter At 1/37.8 scale this scales to be about 640mm = or 2' 2 3/4" In the UK at least a standard wagon (truck) wheel is in the (...) (20 years ago, 18-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)
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