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 Technic / 14867
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Re: Random Pneumatic idea/question
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 02:44:05 GMT
4791 times
In lugnet.technic, Billy Bauman wrote:
In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
In lugnet.technic, Billy Bauman wrote:

  Speaking of liquids, Is it possible to replace the air in the pneumatic system
to make a hydraulic system. I mean by using something like, oh say, 10 WT
silicone oil?

  I guess not since you can't complete the circuit because of the inability to
access the exhaust port on the valves or the intake on the pumps.

Yes, the fourth port is an issue.  It is possible to hook multiple switches to
give you access to the fourth port though.

  Is it now? Hmmmmmm. How would one go about hooking these switches to access
fourth port? Is there a website that I can visit that would give a good
explanation to this?

With thanks,

  An interesting thing has happened. after asking about how one sets up the
switches to access the fourth port, I decided to sit down and figure out how to
do it myself. Initial progress was slow and I don't have any pictures of it,
however, I was able to figure out how to do it. Afterwards, I went on the posts
to see if anything came up, and I found this.
  Turns out that my findings were similar to Kevin's schematic. Like his, I
used 4 Switches, and 4 T pieces. In order to pump the fluid in the system
without loosing or adding any fluid, I decided to use a pneumatic ram as my
pump, by using the two ports on the cylinder as the intake and output. When two
of the switches are open and two are closed, and I push the ram, the fluid in
the system cycles through in a clockwise direction. The problem comes in, that
if I pull the ram back up, it draws the fluid back through the system in a
counterclockwise direction. So the valves are set up such that when I close the
first two valves, and I open the second two valves, the connections of the
ram/pump are essentially reversed, and thus pulling the ram pushes the fluid
through the system in a clockwise direction while also containing the fluid in
the system and without letting any extra fluid in, which is the key, I believe
to hydraulics. The really strange things is that, having figured out how this
works, I'm amazed at how simple it actually is.
  I assume then, that the load on the system would work in much the same manner,
as a way of keeping the fluid in the system while also reversing the direction
of the system. (That is, reversing the direction of the load, wile maintaing the
constand direction of the main system.)
  The main reason for the post is that, having constructed the system, it
appears to be valid, however, I wouldn't mind having a confirmation on my

Sorry if I'm a bother,

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Random Pneumatic idea/question
(...) What makes you think you are a bother! I'm having fun! I beleive that the four switch/four T solution is what you need to create a hydraulic motor. The pressure+vaccume engine I posted earlier today could just as easily be a hydraulic motor, (...) (19 years ago, 21-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Random Pneumatic idea/question
(...) Hi Billy, Well, my recollection of a composite five port switch was faulty. When I tried to create a two piston timing circuit (precursor to motor), it would leak because all four switches would be on, letting pressure directly through to (...) (19 years ago, 22-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Random Pneumatic idea/question
(...) Is it now? Hmmmmmm. How would one go about hooking these switches to access the fourth port? Is there a website that I can visit that would give a good explanation to this? With thanks, Billy. (19 years ago, 20-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)

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