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Re: My guesses again for 2001 sets.
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:01:52 GMT
896 times
In lugnet.starwars, Kevin Zwicker writes:

I could be wrong about the release date (for some reason, seems
to be down) but I could have sworn that in an interview for the launch of Ep1
(May 99), Mr. Lucas said the next movie would be in 2 years. He added that he
would have preferred 3 years but that studio or schedules or whatever
prevented this. That would put the release date sometime in 2001. I know that
they start shooting in Australia next week.

Another piece of evidence is the recent MTV awards. Lucas accepted an award
for "best action sequence" for the podrace scene. In his acceptance speech he
half-jokingly said that next year he hopes to see Sam L. Jackson accepting
that award. (Looks like Mace Windu is actually going to use his lightsaber.

Like I said, I may be wrong. I haven't seen the actual release date posted

Kev Z.
Lugnet member 142

check out the Episode 2 facts section over at (the link should be
on lugnet.starwars)

They state that a late 2001 release is possible, but it's more likely it will
be late spring 2002.  Actual filming began earlier this month... :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My guesses again for 2001 sets.
(...) any (...) I could be wrong about the release date (for some reason, seems to be down) but I could have sworn that in an interview for the launch of Ep1 (May 99), Mr. Lucas said the next movie would be in 2 years. He added that he (...) (25 years ago, 27-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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