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 Star Wars / 3668
3667  |  3669
Re: Reply to "New Star Wars LEGO"
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 06:26:17 GMT
393 times
Nothing against the Ep1 Sets but I am A Classic Star Wars guy and would • not
care one bit if they went with all Classic Sets for next year.

Eric Kingsley

Amen to that!  I want Stormtroopers, Han, Chewie, Leia, and Boba Fett!
It'll be interesting to see if they decide to make minifigs for less
prominent characters, such as Nien Numb.  I wonder what his head would look


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  Re: Reply to "New Star Wars LEGO"
Snip (...) Oh I can only hope!! More classic please with lots of Storm Troopers. I just hope that whoever it was that influenced the sets from Lucas Arts is still on the job influancing TLG so that the model quality remains as high as it has been (...) (25 years ago, 4-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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