Re: Moonbase at Brickfest... how was it planned?
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 22:28:45 GMT
818 times
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In, Huw Millington wrote:
> I've seen the pictures... it was very impressive! How was it planned? Did
> the participants agree a track plan before the show, was it thrown together
> on the day (unlikely, I should think), or was a connection standard
> specified?
> I am hoping to do a moonbase with monorail setup at the Brickish Association
> AGM in April and any hints would be much appreciated.
> Huw
people announced how many moonbases the intended on bringing, but many people
just showed up with some on their own. Jon and Gary did the two big bases (the
ones with monorail, etc) - and brought extra monorail, rr tracks, and racer
lanes which were put up at the event on saturday. A bit haphazard, but the best
I think at this young stage. Not everyone has monorail, rr, or racer lanes, and
they look best kinda fit into what is there. I'm very happy with what turned
i do know Jon and others are working with the trackdraw people to come up with
some sort of cpu prog that would help plan these things.
lastly, there was an important issue of people not providing enough module
connections (ie, too many 1 connection modules), so we are making a rule that
every module must have at least 2 connections OR if they bring a 1 connector
module, they also bring a 4 connector module.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Moonbase at Brickfest... how was it planned?
| (...) people (...) (the (...) racer (...) the best (...) Thanks for the lowdown... We have done moonbases before but not with monorail. I was thinking of planning a grid, say 5 x 10 48x48 baseplates, working out a monorail layout around it, then (...) (21 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to
|  | | Re: Moonbase at Brickfest... how was it planned?
| (...) Monorail is difficult to work with, even with the official Monorail-compatibility guidelines, and Space Train can be even more restricted by the lack of ramp-rails (haven't worked with Racers track, so I can't comment on that). The biggest (...) (21 years ago, 26-Feb-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Moonbase at Brickfest... how was it planned?
| I've seen the pictures... it was very impressive! How was it planned? Did the participants agree a track plan before the show, was it thrown together on the day (unlikely, I should think), or was a connection standard specified? I am hoping to do a (...) (21 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to
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