Re: F-2 Bat
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 14:45:30 GMT
716 times
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It may be cheaper to do EVAs and have individual access locks et al., but
wouldnt the safety of the pilots be put into more-than-acceptable risk
everytime they go in or out? One could have a compromised suit, your
lockingport could not exist anymore (same goes for a landing bay, granted),
medical emergencies could negate the pilots ability to enter or egress the
fighter/carrier. Plus, one wouldnt want to do an EVA during a surprise
attack. One would also have to look at the safety of the techs doing the work
(torn suits, medical emergencies, etc).
What, you mean your pilots and techs arent wearing powered armor suits like the
troops and officers? Personally that is why I never build escape pods, all the
crew are wearing or have instant access to powered armor.
One other aspect would be to consider the centrality of supplies and
equipment and craft in a landing bay, compared to the dispursed nature of the
set-up proposed. Round trips for supply and equipment carts would get longer
and longer as one got further from the main supply cache. It wouldnt be
feasible, both in terms of resupply, cost, and space to have umpteen
different supply caches, one for each fighter.
Which doesnt mean that the fighter needs landing gear. TIEs were hung in
racks. Have a magna-rack, or some such.
Well all my fighters have landing points built directly into the hull to avoid
any structural weakness and prevent damage durring a hot landing/takeoff.
-Mike Petrucelli
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: F-2 Bat
| (...) Who needs fighters? I say take out your enemies with your broadside, pull up inside their safe firing distance, and launch your power suited marines out the torpedo tubes with plasma cutters, airlock override scramblers, and auto-frap cannons. (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jul-03, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: F-2 Bat
| (...) It may be cheaper to do EVAs and have individual access locks et al., but wouldn't the safety of the pilots be put into more-than-acceptable risk everytime they go in or out? One could have a compromised suit, your lockingport could not exist (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jul-03, to, FTX)
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