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Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 03:05:21 GMT
937 times
Definitely worth waiting for!  I got to read all these positive responses,
but alas, the site itself was down, so I had no idea what everyone was
talking about.

Yeah, I'm in the process of getting approved at Ozbricks.  I've had enough
of bandwidth restrictions and ad banners.

Love the SNOT work on those Mickey D's golden arches.

Thanks; the arches were challenging.  I just freehanded arches on some LEGO
graph paper, and tried to fill it in with plates and tiles.  I'm pleased
with the results, except the use of the tiles made it kinda flimsy.

And I doubt that a
death ray and a McDonalds in the same location is a coincidence...

Sssssh, don't *tell*.

martians at the cash registers!  How fitting.  Can they count change?

Change?  C'mon, that's so 21st century.  Everyone has automatic credit
thingies or somesuch in the future, I'm sure.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
"Xcalabur" <> wrote in message (...) it (...) spacemen). (...) and (...) bus (...) this. (...) '03! Definitely worth waiting for! I got to read all these positive responses, but alas, the site (...) (23 years ago, 17-Aug-02, to

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