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New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 22:24:56 GMT
!! (details)
1385 times
Hi all,

I'd like to present my new MOC (well, not exactly mine, since Shiri built it
with me.  Yes, you heard me right, Castle Dutchess is playing with spacemen).

This is a generic 4-hall module with a McDonald's, a LEGO costume shop, a
bathroom, an elevator, and a bus stop.  Highlights include the elevator and
airlock door mechanisms.  There's a little tour at

This walks you thru the entire module.

Some additional notes:

I'd like to get some kind of organized system of travel (like the current
monorail ideas), only with the MBTA (MoonBase Transit Authority).  i.e., bus
stops.  I'm in the process of LDrawing the bus and making instructions so
others can build them and have bus stops around the base.  I'd really like
feedback on this idea - it'd be really cool if we could do something like this.


-Chris and Shiri

P.S. - Jon, stick this on - it'll definitely be at BF '03!

Message has 7 Replies:
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
(...) Cheers, - jsproat (23 years ago, 15-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
(...) Wow! A creation this packed with details makes a person feel like they will never see them all until they see it in person. It is pretty impressive how you squeeze all those details into each of those small rooms. Also, I love the tour. It (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
(...) Way cool. LOTS of great touches. Very detail dense. Bigger is not always better! Is it just me or has this idea caught on faster and stronger than any other idea ever posted here? Up till now, the 1592 variations had that honor I think, but (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
(...) Unfortunately the bandwidth limit was reached while I was walking along the corridors, so I only got to see half of it... But that half was enough to make me want to build something myself, if only my LEGO supply would let me :-( This (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
Chris & Shiri, This is really fantastic. The details and innovations are supberb, but I think what endears it to me most is that it gives the same feeling of fun that following the adventures of the first minifig Idea Book did (the one with the (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
(...) Wow - I can't believe the amount of stuff you fit onto one baseplate. The tour is terrific. Jeff J (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: New MOC: Retail Style Moonbase Module
"Xcalabur" <> wrote in message (...) it (...) spacemen). (...) and (...) bus (...) this. (...) '03! Definitely worth waiting for! I got to read all these positive responses, but alas, the site (...) (23 years ago, 17-Aug-02, to

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