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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 720
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Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 17:20:48 GMT
1664 times
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Martin Cornelius wrote:
Ben Jackson wrote:

Is anyone else working on this?  Are people at least enjoying the lively
conversation I'm having with myself on lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos?

Hi Ben, i think that's very interesting work you're doing, especially
because i'd like to build sophisticated balancing bots, and already got
2 rotation sensors from lego world shop for this reason. I'm currently
not actively working on that, because i first want to finish my reliable
LNP layer, but if you have patches to the rotation sensor code - i'm
highly interested in that.

What exactly do you intend here, Martin? I spent quite some time working
on this over the summer and in the fall, and had a great deal of problems
but also some success. I'd be happy to help you out with my experiences
if you have some idea where you are headed.

to play along at home, take a rotation sensor, put 2 1x4 beams along one edge
of the top, put an 8t gear on a beam through the sensor and a 40t gear on the
center hole of the upper beam.

This gearbox will yield a resolution of 4.5 degrees, if i got that
right. For the balancing controllers i'm currently thinking of that
might not be fine grained enough. Have you tried to achieve higher
resolutions ?

Over the summer, I achieved a much much higher resolution. Unfortunately,
making the gear-train reliable and smooth becomes very difficult at this
point, due to the inherent problems with lego gear trains (slop in the
gears and friction in their axles, mainly). But it did eventually work
well with a setup that included 4 40t gears and 4 8t gears (IIRC) that I
believe gave me 1:125 increase in resolution over the 1/16 of a rotation
given by the sensor. (i.e., roughly 0.18 of a degree.)

Let me know how your project goes-


     Profanity is the one language that all programmers understand.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
(...) Hi Ben, i think that's very interesting work you're doing, especially because i'd like to build sophisticated balancing bots, and already got 2 rotation sensors from lego world shop for this reason. I'm currently not actively working on that, (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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