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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 718
717  |  719
Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:24:32 GMT
1622 times
Ben Jackson wrote:

Is anyone else working on this?  Are people at least enjoying the lively
conversation I'm having with myself on lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos?

Hi Ben, i think that's very interesting work you're doing, especially
because i'd like to build sophisticated balancing bots, and already got
2 rotation sensors from lego world shop for this reason. I'm currently
not actively working on that, because i first want to finish my reliable
LNP layer, but if you have patches to the rotation sensor code - i'm
highly interested in that.

to play along at home, take a rotation sensor, put 2 1x4 beams along one edge
of the top, put an 8t gear on a beam through the sensor and a 40t gear on the
center hole of the upper beam.

This gearbox will yield a resolution of 4.5 degrees, if i got that
right. For the balancing controllers i'm currently thinking of that
might not be fine grained enough. Have you tried to achieve higher
resolutions ?

cheers, Martin

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
(...) What exactly do you intend here, Martin? I spent quite some time working on this over the summer and in the fall, and had a great deal of problems but also some success. I'd be happy to help you out with my experiences if you have some idea (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)
  Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
(...) That's one of the reasons I got mine. I was trying to make a simple balancer when I built the pendulum I described (with 4.5 degree accuracy). There were a lot of problems with my mechanism, but the overriding problem was that the 0 point (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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  Re: rotation sensor mystery solved?
I put in some debug code to catch rotations which skip a state (transitions like 3->1 or 0->2) which the legOS table `diff2change' currently translates to 0 steps (because we can't be sure whether that was 2 steps forward or 2 steps back). These (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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